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Showing posts from October, 2013

A program closely resembles to the one used by Adobe Reader

Ultimately, this is a program for searching strings. This program enables us to give a key string to be searched in given set of sentences. The output will be the position at which the given string is present. This can be improved in the C++ platform to exactly mention the string as selected.  //A Search program closely resembles to the one used by Adobe Reader. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> class para { public: char ckey,skey[10],sent[40]; int i; void get() { cout<<"Type the paragraph of maximum 40 characters, press enter to finish:\n------------------------"<<endl; gets(sent); cout<<"---------------------------------------------\nput the letter to be searched:"; cin>>ckey; cout<<"type the string to be searched:"; gets(skey); cout<<"processing...\n"; } void check(); }; void para::check() { int l=strlen(sent); c...

C++ program to extract the elements in the odd positions of an array

C++ program to extract the elements in the odd positions of an array that are stored into an another array. This is very easy to do.  //program to extract elements in the odd positions #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> class extract { public: char sent[25],extd[25]; int l; void get() { cout<<"\nType the sentance:\n"<<endl; gets(sent); cout<<"OK"<<endl<<endl; } int filter(); void disp(int r); }; int extract::filter() { int i,j; l=strlen(sent); for(j=0,i=0;i<l;i=i+2,j++) { extd[j]=sent[i]; } return j; }; void extract::disp(int r) { int i; for(i=0;i<r;i++) cout<<extd[i]; }; void main() { clrscr(); extract t; t.get(); int g=t.filter(); t.disp(g); getch(); } __________________________________________________ try this and share it!

C++ [cpp] Program to find largest and smallest among 3 nnumbers.

Q) Write a C++ [cpp] program to find the largest and smallest among 3 numbers using the concepts of class, object, scope resolution operator & functions. ANSWER _____________________________________________ //find largest & smallest among 3 no: #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> class domain { public: int a[3],large,small; void get(); void check(); void disp() { cout<<"\n  largest= "<<large<<endl<<"  smallest= "<<small<<endl<<"\nBYE!"; } }; void domain::get() { int i; cout<<"Enter 3 numbers:"<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) cin>>a[i]; cout<<"OK\n"; }; void domain::check() { int i; large=a[0]; small=a[0]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if(a[i]>large) large=a[i]; if(a[i]<small) small=a[i]; } }; void main() { clrscr(); domain obj; obj.get(); obj.check(); obj.disp(); getch(); } ______________________________...

Enumerated Datatypes AND #define

Ooops..! yes, this is an another post related to OOP. I feel this is some thing nice. There are situations where we want to introduce new data variables. That's why enumerated data types are used. haha, but this is not like u expect! Enumerated Datatypes These are user defined datatypes the key-word enum  is used syntax is enum var_name{var1,vae2,...,varn}; what happens is : var1=0, var2=1, var3=2, var4=3,... try the prog. below in ur cpp compiler. #define #define key-word is used. Eg: #define x value No ";" is used advantage: for a large program, if we want to alter a constant that is repeatedly used throughout the programme. meaning x can be used insted of value. For the perfect understanding, please work on the example below. (Shhhh... it is very simple!) _____________________________________________ // using enumerated data types, #define #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #define num 60 #define name 0 void main() { clrscr(); enum b{q,w,e}; cout<...