MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER: Sample Programs: Program to multiply a number by 8 --------------- MVI A, 30H RRC RRC RRC OUT PORT1 HLT ---------------- Program to find greatest b...
( Github ) Just created a chat app that runs in Node and Socket. the attempt was worthy. Talky is a messenger app built with Node, Express, Socket, Angular & Bootstrap. It's like a server-client structure. (But obviously not like the one we done at OS lab using shared memory). It has a broadcasting structure. Talky does not keep a log on chat. i.e., It doesn't have a memory or database. When we close the browser window, chat history is lost. There I also added a basic console, protected by a password, to send real-time notifications to active clients. The name 'Talky' was suggested by a friend of mine. (hey, thank you for that. The fact is that I am not really good at naming...😝) What if sometimes your college blocks WhatsApp? Try Talky. ( There is also a website on internet in the name of 'Talky' which has no connection with this one. ) Download Talky Messenger To use Talky, all you need is 3 things: Node server Source code...
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