It's real!
I'll always get wonder at United States, on checking my blog viewers status. The guys from there alone make up 30% of total views on my all blogs.
I think this is an effect. People from US explore the Internet tremendously. Due to the same reason most of the developers are concentrated to the same region.
Cheap access to internet is one of the necessary conditions for building developers.
Collages should be WiFi enabled.
On the other side, one should be alive of the bad sections and effects of internet. And should keep away from it.
( Github ) Just created a chat app that runs in Node and Socket. the attempt was worthy. Talky is a messenger app built with Node, Express, Socket, Angular & Bootstrap. It's like a server-client structure. (But obviously not like the one we done at OS lab using shared memory). It has a broadcasting structure. Talky does not keep a log on chat. i.e., It doesn't have a memory or database. When we close the browser window, chat history is lost. There I also added a basic console, protected by a password, to send real-time notifications to active clients. The name 'Talky' was suggested by a friend of mine. (hey, thank you for that. The fact is that I am not really good at naming...😝) What if sometimes your college blocks WhatsApp? Try Talky. ( There is also a website on internet in the name of 'Talky' which has no connection with this one. ) Download Talky Messenger To use Talky, all you need is 3 things: Node server Source code...
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