On 15th January 2016, Divin, one of my best friends sent me a message in Whatsapp.
Greetings from ICT Academy of Kerala,
We are pleased to invite your college to participate in the ICT Academy of Kerala’s Student Magazine to be released in 2016. Students may submit articles related to technology(all engineering disciplines), social innovation, individual and group projects. The submitted articles which will be reviewed by ICT Academy of Kerala’s editorial board before incorporating it to Student’s Magazine . The ICTAK Students Magazine will be a unique blend of articles by students from your college and the industry. The best student article will be rewarded by ICT Academy of Kerala.
Articles to be send to this email id: <divin's email>
Please ensure the following steps to submit the articles.
1) Articles should be related to technology(all engineering discipline), social innovation, individual and group projects.
2) Articles should not be more than 2-3 pages.
3) Articles should be in the word format.
4) Details of students providing the article -Name, Class, Branch and Photograph.
He asked me to do it (thanks dude). I said, "you kiddin..! there are gonna be thousands of em". He insisted to write one anyway (thanks again for not givin up on me).
So I made this humble one named "Hello World MongoDB". Actally it was about 8 pages wide which is almost 5 pages more than the requested requirement. He and Prof.Baiju asked me to shrink it. I reduced it to ~6 pages (i don know how i did it!). Thank God, they published all of them.
Here is the original article.
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